Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
The primary goal our technology fills is delivering precision support between sessions, in the moments Participants need it most. There are a multitude of other gaps being filled that improve the Participant experience, the Specialist experience, and business operations efficiencies. Participant experience gaps include an easy way to have curated information and interventions easily accessible in the language the Participant is most comfortable with. Participants have the opportunity to track their own progress, send asynchronous chat messages to their Specialist, make appointments, and bring loved ones into their social support network. The Specialist experience is improved by ensuring support for Participants between sessions. It also allows for operational workflows that support measurement-based care and treatment to target protocols, helping to guide the treatment protocols and interventions used in care. Specialists also have access to an extensive library of content to assist with making evidence-based care personalized to the Participant. Specialists also have the ability to see how Participants are responding to treatment and make real-time care decisions during or between sessions. In treatment as usual it takes 3-4 sessions (which could be 3-4 weeks or 3-4 months depending on the frequency of sessions) to determine if a behavioral intervention is effective. Karla can condense that to 3-4 days; in some cases as little as 1 day.
The #1 predictor of outcome in behavioral health treatment is the relationship between the provider and the recipient of care. Karla allows the human Specialist to own the relationship (develop trust, sequence care according to what the Participant is ready for, communicate respect - all critical relational components to effective care) while Karla extends that human compassion and evidence-based interventions to the moments its needed most. Our co-founders include 2 behavioral health providers who heard over and over again in session "I just needed you there with me in that moment." It didn't matter what the moment was, it could have been when they took a drink, yelled at their kids, hurt themselves, binge ate - no matter what the condition, treatment requires we do something different in the moment of distress when we have the least access of our executive decision-making. Our 3rd co-founder is a technologist who said "what if we could support people in the moments its needed most?" Other companies have an excellent network of human providers doing great clinical work. There are companies who have beautiful technology that delivers effective therapies. A few companies put those two powerful components side by side. No other company combines what technology does best - be available 24/7/365 with reliable and valuable resources - with what humans do best - care for other humans. Karla® United States Patent No. 11,039,748
We report to each of our customers quarterly on engagement and outcomes. We consistently perform above industry benchmarks on both. We average a 30% improvement in Anxiety (measured by GAD7) and Depression (measured by PHQ9) in just 4 sessions, sustained to 8 sessions and beyond. Treatment as usual achieves about a 25% improvement in symptoms in between 10-20 sessions. It should be noted that we achieved these clinical outcomes when the CDC was reporting Anxiety rates increasing by 400% in the general public. It should also be noted that some conditions or severity require a longer course of care, which we can and do provide. Those participants are represented in this data, yet we still see these outcomes in the overall population we serve. Industry norms are about 50% of people who are referred for care engage, while we consistently engage 60% of those who are referred. The industry average for appointment no shows is 20%, in Medicaid populations it's up to 25%. We demonstrate 10% no show rates across our populations served. In some employed populations it's as low as 4.5%. On average, engagement and adoption of digital tools is 30%. We demonstrate 70% adoption of Karla. EAPs typically engage 2-4% of a population in clinical services. We aim for 7% and meet in across all customers and populations. In some populations we've surpassed 10% of the total population engaged in human services. This data is sampled from across our book of business and includes more than 25000 sessions.