Where Technology meets Oncology
xCures has established a win-win situation for all the main stakeholders in oncology: patients, oncologists, and researchers. The first two get potentially life-saving information for free. The latter gets access to longitudinal data of patients xCures has a right to contact. Each patient enrolls in a pan-cancer observational registry (NCT03793088). This enables our platform to continuously learn from all patients’ experiences in real-time and identify regimens that offer superior outcomes. xCures delivers significant research efficiencies through consistently acquiring and structuring patient data at 5 to 10 times the rate that can be achieved without the technology platform. This is continuously and consistently monitored by the operations team and has been validated through multiple build vs. buy initiatives. This capability is core to continuous improvement and learning initiatives and requires domain-specific expertise in leveraging the best of ML and AI tools. The knowledge generated from patient outcomes is continuously incorporated by our partners and into our recommender engine technology. The xCures portals are fully functioning and thousands of patients have already fully consented to give xCures access to their health records. The company generated a 7-digit revenue last year, and the xCures team itself is amazing, with great technology, oncology, commercial, and startup experience. Not to mention good ties into the healthcare industry. xCures is where technology meets oncology
xCures fills the widening gap between the growing amount of cancer research, the increasing number of people diagnosed with cancer each year, and the always limited time oncologists can spend on a patient to inform them of the next best treatment for them. xDECIDE provides oncologists and their staff with a graphical summary of their patients’ cancer history and a series of personalized treatment options. It is designed to save them a significant amount of time, allowing for structured, high-quality treatment discussions focusing on regimens that offer the best outcomes during their consultations. Oncologists using the xCures platform routinely identify specific patients and positive outcomes based on the xCures suggested treatment options. This leads to oncologists who engage with the platform to routinely ask their patients to enroll in the program as it alleviates tasks that are, for the most part, left undone by the physicians. Physician time is already more than 100% utilized, so they consider xCures a significant value addition to an already overburdened schedule.
There are patients who are alive today because of their participation on the xCures platform. One such example was recently published in the journal Melanoma Research and can be read at https://journals.lww.com/melanomaresearch/Fulltext/2022/08000/Case_report__response_to_the_ERK1_2_inhibitor.11.aspx. xCures played a similar role in helping to support a pediatric patient with a rare cancer called DIPG. xCures has published aggregate data such as this presentation from the 2021 Society for Neuro-Oncology that identified an initial association between the use of immuno-oncology therapies and survival in CNS cancer patients. https://xcures.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/XCELSIOR_SNO_2021_poster.pdf