Diagnostikare provides low-cost high quality virtual-first primary care.
At Diagnostikare we have put a lot of effort into three fundamental pillars that have differentiated our service so far: (1) becoming a strategic ally (i.e. business partner) of our client, so that we accompany them throughout the process of providing our service, more as a consultant than simply charging for a transactional service, (2) continuing to invest in technology so that we can offer our users personalized preventive health plans and programmes with measurable results, and (3) being the one-stop-shop primary care solution, with a seamless experience and an integrated ecosystem model that can lead to becoming the Mexico and Latam Healthcare Super App for our users.
Convenient, low-cost access to essential health services. In Mexico, 28% of the population does not have access to public or private health services and only 1 in 10 Mexicans has health insurance coverage. More than half of the economically active population (54M) lacks social security or any other health coverage, which results in an annual out-of-pocket expense of USD $23B to cover basic needs such as medical consultations, medications or lab tests.
We have carried out statistical analysis on more than 10,000 users from different corporate clients to understand the impact and benefits, reducing absenteeism by up to 26% as well as savings in out-of-pocket expenses of more than 100 USD per year per user. In turn, our service has a positive impact on job retention.