Take control of your lung health, wherever you are.
In just two years, we've received validation and adoption from leading health institutions including Mass General Brighams, Boston Children's, Mt Sinai, NY Presbyterian / Columbia U, Johns Hopkins, Duke, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Cedars Sinai and in pilot with UCSF. Those same institutions also use our solution for their important research studies and we support major clinical drug trials with AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb and Novartis. Finally, our gamification sets us apart. We have video games for breathing exercises and diagnostic tests. These games not only drive positive patient engagement, but also helps elicit maximum effort, which is critical in obtaining an accurate test.
With our solution clinicians can continue to treat those with serious respiratory conditions at home (or wherever they are) without requiring travel to clinic or hospital. This not only reduces potential exposure to lung infection, but also removes the burden of taking time from work and the cost of travel. Our pulmonary function test (PFT) takes five minutes or less which allows for an increased frequency of monitoring, which in turn can provide a finer granularity of pulmonary history. And because the FDA-cleared device and mobile app are so portable, patients can take a test whenever they experience a flare-up, again providing a better data points than might otherwise be collected via an office visit.
The NIH-sponsored PrecISE severe asthma study with 600 participants has adopted 100% remote spirometry testing through our solution (as presented at ATS 2022). The study initially began with in-clinic testing and then started testing the ZEPHYRx remote platform. Their results showed a virtual 1:1 match between the initial in-clinic testing and remote testing, which allowed them to update their protocol, gain IRB approval and move to 100% remote testing for all participants. We have also demonstrated successful home spirometry CPT reimbursements at numerous institutions including the University of North Carolina, Mayo Clinic and the University of Southern California / KECK Medical Center. They have reported reimbursement rates in excess of 5X of the fees charged for the ZEPHYRx platform.