Empowering Humanity to Lead a Healthier Life

Ryan A. Grant, MD

Problem Tech Solves

Musculoskeletal (MSK) dysfunction is the top cause of global disability and unfortunately evidence-based medicine is not followed at large. There is a heavy overutilization of imaging and unnecessary surgery rates reach over 50%. MSK drives the US opiate crisis and is one of the most expensive healthcare sectors. However, most primary care providers, orthopedic surgeons, and spine neurosurgeons are not well trained in nonoperative care which further drives unnecessary care. There has been a rise in virtual physical therapy offerings, such as Hinge and Kaia Health, but these companies only drive partial value because a medical practice is required to be able to diagnose patients, write prescriptions, care navigate, order appropriate imaging, and offer shared decision making based on patient goals. To fill these missing gaps, we created Vori Health, which offers virtual, evidence-based medicine with integrated care teams, that include health coaching + physical therapy + physical medicine physicians, who see patients together. Our founders (a Yale-trained neurosurgeon and the former Orthopedics Chair at Mayo Clinic) walked away from their practices to drive down unnecessary surgery and organize MSK care. In addition to full care teams, Vori Health offers improved content, data analytics, social communities, and more fun. Let's be honest, medical care is usually boring and there are lessons to be learned from companies like Peloton that did not build a better treadmill, but rather better content and a social community to make the home gym less boring. We combine this philosophy with outstanding integrated virtual health care.

Tech Brief

We are mainly a virtual offering that can be accessed via an smartphone app (iOS or android), as well as the web. We employ (W2) physical medicine physicians, sports medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health coaches, social workers, nurses, physical therapists, and registered dietitians who are all trained in a biopsychosocial medical, MSK model and work in true care teams (see patients together). We personalize the care to a patient/member based on their individual goals. When not working with live virtual clinicians, we have built scalable high-resolution avatar technology to represent humanity and will allow patients to choose different races, genders, and body sizes by year end. We blend this with a social community and data analytics. We also built our own clinician facing operating system to allow interaction of our care teams, to be able to connect with EMRs, to be able to push and pull content to patients, motion tracking for asynchronous offline physical therapy exercises, and to be able to economically accept self-pay, fee-for-service, and preferentially value-based, risk-based contracts.

Tech Differentiators

The other offerings out there are 1:1 siloed e-consults with or without 1:1 physical therapy (Hinge Health & SWORD Health) or just motion tracking self-guided content programs (Kaia Health). None of these offerings are able to care navigate, write an evidence-based prescription, give an actual diagnosis, actually see a patient within 24 hours, order imaging, preoperative risk stratify patients, postoperatively manage patients, work with patients for smoking cessation, offer weight reduction programs that include medical care, or have patients be able to work with true care teams. We offer all of these and more, which is why our founders shut their medical practices down to focus on tackling solutions to the large unmet needs that remain in the MSK sector. We also have a large focus on reducing paternalism in the sector because evidence-based medicine only tells people what to do and does not actually talk to people about their options. For example, there is no evidence that someone needs surgery for an imaging finding (such as "bone on bone") in isolation unless they are symptomatic and would want to do something about it. The medical community pushes people to surgery all the time for purely imaging findings (the images usually should not have even been obtained in the first place). We have built a platform to deliver true, integrated, customizable medical care starting in the MSK sector and offer significantly more functionality and options compared to the other MSK options out there.


Vori Health's net promoter score is currently 97. Our recent oversubscribed Series A round that includes two health systems and a payor is also a marker of us delivering value. We will be publishing our results in the future (after we have been seeing patients for at least 1 year). Patient testimonials include: "I am having very positive results and any questions I've had concerning my injury have been answered in a very understandable way", "I would highly recommend this integrated type of care and the ease of using the Vori app, and would recommend this model to anyone who wants to get and maintain positive results", "The teams is truly dedicated to helping their patients and are extremely adept at doing so". Please see a recent press release on Vori here: https://money.yahoo.com/vori-health-raises-additional-capital-110000927.html.

Why Us

We are the only virtual, integrated medical care offering (starting in musculoskeletal care) who has physician founders and is led by MSK experts. We are dedicated to make medical care more enjoyable, center around patient goals, and push the limits of what is possible.

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